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Construction Site CCTV

Construction Site CCTV

We put in construction site CCTV

We aim to make sure nobody breaks into your site without being picked up.

What makes construction site CCTV cameras so effective? – An active response!

Detection with Deterrence.

Our construction site CCTV systems all have Tannoys fitted. They are great at deterring intruders.

A live message sent over the tannoys is a really effective way of preventing damage and theft before it happens.

The loudness of a tannoy system especially in the middle of the night when the volume carries even further, is a great means of deterring an intruder.

So long as the full perimeter of the site is totally covered with cameras, our operators are always able to confirm the exit of the intruder once he has been tannoyed, calling the police or keyholders is then often unnecessary.

CCTV for construction is an ideal way of preventing Theft and Damage 

A CCTV system that is not being monitored and responded to is CCTV good enough for only helping the police issue a crime reference number but not much else!

Do we ever miss anything?

Our Glasgow-based Central station is iso9002 registered and works to BS5979/BS8418 standards.

The standard commits 98 percent of all received images from your construction site to be actioned within 60 seconds.

Watching only what needs to be watched means we don’t miss anything! 

Inbuilt AI technology enables the construction site CCTV cameras, to themselves sense when a person is walking by without our central station operator having to notice this. , thereby.

Saving our team hundreds of hours of watching false alarms – meaning we can devote all our attention to actual break-ins, and respond accordingly.

More attention to break-ins and less to false alarms means a much higher detection rate.

Tannoys will be used and as necessary, a courtesy call   (if you wish)  made to your site manager.

If the intruder is not seen to leave, we call the police and continue watching your site until the police arrive and the individual is caught or reported as not being onsite.

Working with you as your project develops 

Well-planned construction site CCTV should mean that as your construction site develops, the cameras themselves shouldn’t cause you any problems, especially when scaffolding and fencing, etc. get moved about or site accommodation is resisted.

Ideally, the CCTV should be installed taking into account future site developments and be able to be adjusted as and when the site develops – without you regularly having to arrange service calls …. This is what we aim for on every construction site CCTV installation we undertake.

What should I consider before using construction site CCTV?

Ideally cabling won’t be a problem and you will have power and somewhere to store our equipment.

Depending on the above, we offer you and your site the following options….

Construction Site CCTV cameras (with cables running around the site ) 

  • Is there power on site, even after hours? 
  • Cabling NOT likely to be a problem? 
  • somewhere to house
  • the recorder/TV monitor etc.?  

This type of CCTV is the most effective and cheapest option for you.

Pros. Cheap and effective. Recording 24hrs and Live Viewing possible via the app.

Cons. The need for wires to be run around the site and for power to be available – is not always possible.

Costing between 160 to 180 per week for 4 cameras.                                         

Construction site wireless CCTV camera 

  • 24-hour power is not available   
  • Likely Cabling Issues 
  • Onsite accommodation is not available

Ideal for a site with no power and where running cables is impractical.

Our wireless CCTV cameras come with their own internal batteries and report back via radio.

Pros. No wires are run, and no broadband is needed.

Cons. No recording, no live view via the app.


-minimum hire, 3 months £240 per week

-no minimum hire,  £350 per week

Construction site CCTV tower 

  • 24-hour power is not available                        
  • Likely cabling issues                               
  • No site accommodation?                             

Our CCTV Tower is ideal for any construction or demolition site lacking all amenities including somewhere for the cameras to be set up.

Both Highly portable and the most visually impressive type of camera we install, these units are the ultimate in self-sustainability.

Pros. Portability, 24-hour recording, live viewing via the app, no need for power or accommodation.

cons. Not as cheap.


-minimum hire period 12 months 300 GBP per week

-minimum hire period 6 months   400 GBP per week

-minimum hire period 3 months    500 GBP per week.

-minimum hire period 1 month      700 GBP per week

Purchase option                  

We offer a fully purchased option …please call for details.

Call us to discuss your needs on 0203 468 7323


Professional CCTV Equipment for Building Sites