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Mobile CCTV Tower

Mobile CCTV Tower

Mobile CCTV Tower for only £165 p/w

Instantly deployable and with a low weekly hire cost which includes 

  1. The Mobile CCTV Tower itself.
  2. Unlimited Out of Hours Monitoring 
  3. Self Contained Power
  4. Broadband
  5. Tow Hook and Wheelbase allowing you to tow it around the site as needed.


Highly portable, our mobile cctv tower and can be towed around the construction site as it develops.

Comes with a pre fully charged battery – so it works so to speak , out of the box.

As work progresses on site, it can be towed around to wherever needed to  provide the  necessary coverage 

Available in a Static version ( without a wheelbase ) or with a wheelbase  ( Towable) the unit is designed to be fully self contained – ready and able to be set up at different locations as and when the site develops.



No need to worry about Power 

Every unit is Solar powered developing sufficient power to enable a solid 24 hour operation.

Even on cloudy days , the panels develop enough power to charge the inbuilt lithium batteries ,  enabling protection when its needed most at night time.



Fully Approved Monitoring Station to BS5979 .

Each tower unit is equipped with a 5G connection enabling our monitoring team in Glasgow to keep an eye out on your site  when you are unable to be there and watch it yourself.


How They work…

When someone walks past the built-in detectors, a video stream is sent to our 24/7 staffed control center . If we believe that the person seen is suspicious, we will send an intervention team where previously contracted , call the police or at times simply use the inbuilt tannoys which is often enough to deter further onsite intrusion.


Professional CCTV Equipment for Building Sites